Welcome to Catman2! Check out our adoptable kitties here!
You can now sign/up for low-cost spay/neuter services online!
Click here to see our Shelter wish list
Catman2 has an appointment only policy. The cats LOVE visitors and volunteers, but they must be scheduled in advance so we can control the number of people in the shelter at any given time. Remember, we have one employee who cannot be at the shelter at all times throughout the day. Please call 828-293-0892 to schedule a time to come by and help or just visit with the kitties!
Join our new e-mail list!
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We are seeking donations for our next Facebook auction. You can browse our auction albums to see the type of items we are looking for (small, easy to ship!). Donations can be dropped off on our porch at any time but please call ahead if you'd like to visit when you come by! The kitties would love the attention! Donations can be mailed to: Catman2 Shelter attn: Kaleb 635 Bo Cove Rd Cullowhee, NC 28723.